More Holdings

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Author: Accorata

Last revision: 10 Jul at 06:41 UTC (1)

File size: 577.18 KB

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More Holdings

More Holdings is a small mod that adds a few new overlord holdings to Stellaris. More will likely be added in the future, and all suggestions as for what to add are completely welcome!

All holdings which provide jobs will also switch to providing drone jobs for gestalt subjects.

The mod is currently only available in English (translators welcome).


This mod doesn’t require any DLC, but some holdings will require features from other DLC. (Ex: The Synaptic Packager holding requires the Cosmogenesis Ascension perk from The Machine Age DLC.)

Zero base game files harmed (Should be compatible with all other mods)

NOT achievement compatible (Only UI mods that don’t change features can be)


The list of holdings and their effects is as follows:

Offworld Refinery (Subject must be a Prospectorium)
Provides 2 Overlord Refiner jobs which turn subject minerals (or food for catalytic subjects) into rare resources for the overlord
-1.5 Loyalty

Synaptic Packager (Requires Cosmogenesis AP and can only be built on capital)
Resettles one pop from subjects capital to the overlord’s Synaptic Lathe every two years.
-2 Loyalty

Psionic Monastery (Requires Psi Corps tradition and subject must not be gestalt)
Overlord receieves a -5% shroud delve cooldown
Provides 2 Psionic Adept jobs that provide unity and production from jobs (along with inheriting some bonuses from covenants) for the subject
Grants 5% spiritualist ethics attraction to planet

Interstellar Embassy (Unavailable for genocidal empires)
Overlord recieves +10 to Trust Cap and 5% to Trust Growth for all empires
Provides 1 Politican job (or Gestalt equivalents)
+0.25 Loyalty


Please notify me with any bug reports, suggestions, and/or questions. I’d love all the feedback and the easiest way to contact me is via my discord @Accorata. Feel free to message me privately there or ping me on either the Official Stellaris Discord[] or the Stellaris Modding Den[].


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.