Psionics for All

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Author: Skogen

Last revision: 19 Jun at 19:08 UTC (1)

File size: 101.97 KB

On Steam Workshop


This is a very simple mod that makes it possible to take the Psionics ascension path with (almost) any type of empire, inlcuding Gestalts and Machines.

Additionally, this mod also allows you to get Psionics in conjunction with other Ascension paths. However, to keep overwrites down, i haven’t overwritten the other ascension paths, which means you have to pick another ascension path before you take the Psionics path if you want to combine it with another path.

  • common/tradition_categories/01_psionics.txt
  • ap_mind_over_matter
  • tech_psionic_theory
  • tech_telepathy
  • tech_precognition_interface
  • tech_thought_enforcement
  • tech_psi_jump_drive_1

I made this mod in the span of 15 minutes, if i missed something, please tell me.


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.