Synthetic ascension for organic synths

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Author: dlissauer

Last revision: 17 May at 15:05 UTC (1)

File size: 10.93 KB

On Steam Workshop


Synthetic ascension!
I’ve heard a lot of people have wanted this. So have I. So here it is.

You can now pick the synthetic age ascension perk after completing synthetics tradition tree, giving your synthetically-ascended organics access to the new modularity, virtuality (my favorite for this scenario 🙂 and nanotech tradition trees!

Disclosure: This has not been thoroughly tested as I’ve hardly had the time to play the new DLC myself yet. It simply makes picking one of these trees as organics possible after synthetically ascending via their normal tree, and I have no doubt this may cause some balance issues and some oddities.
So… enjoy.And I’m very new to coding so just make sure to let me know how it works, where the oddities are, any tips on fixing or improving things and don’t forget to demolish your identity crafter buildings and restrict your roboticist jobs after picking virtuality or you will get more non-virtual pops 🙂

Edit: removed edits cuz it’s working 🙂


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