Unlock More Building Slots (3.9/Standalone)

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Author: Clairelenia

Last revision: 18 Oct, 2023 at 23:34 UTC (2)

File size: 661.5 KB

On Steam Workshop


Hey Guys, Claire here 🙂

I have created again a very useful and life-saving mod. With this standalone-mod all your city districts (as well as habitat living districs, ringworld city districts and arcology city districts) will add 2/4 building slots instead of the vanilla only-one or even zero.

City-Districts (& Hive/Nexus) +2 Building Slots instead of +1
Habitat Housing District +2 Building Slots
Ringworld City Districts +4 Building Slots
Arcology City Districs +4 Building Slots

This mod also adds 3 edicts that will add multiple numbers of building slots to your Empire for a fair price of influence.

Architectonic Mastery I > +2 Building Slots for a mere 250 Influence
Architectonic Mastery II > +4 Building Slots for a decent 500 Influence
Architectonic Mastery III > +8 Building Slots for a whopping 1000 Influence

This mod is the STANDALONE version. No other mods required. If you are using Planetary Diversity and it’s submods, use my other version of this mod >

Oh and guys? I highly recommend 36 Building Slots (like in my pic) with this mod to enhance your gaming adventure even further 😉 >

Enjoy! Hope you like it 🙂


Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

36 Building Slots — Steam Workshop
UI Overhaul Dynamic — Steam Workshop

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.