Planetary Redevelopment

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Author: SAXON

Last revision: 3 Jun, 2022 at 01:58 UTC (6)

File size: 301.06 KB

On Steam Workshop



This mod enhances the Ecological Adaptation technology. It does this by also allowing your colonists to transform unwanted basic resource deposits into more desirable analogs. This is especially useful for players who enjoy developing tall economies in their games. Using this mod you can get the most out of your planets with good modifiers so long as you are willing to make long-term investments into them.

After unlocking Planetary Redevelopment you gain access to several new planetary decisions. These only work on planets without any terrain blockers. And obviously you can’t redevelop deposits that have been built upon, so make sure to demolish the districts built on top of the deposit which you wish to replace.


Q: Creating fertile lands for agriculture is one thing. But why can I “build” mineral deposits?

A: I have thought long and hard on this. And I even considered excluding the planetary decisions which create mineral deposits. But what changed my mind is the fact that the base game already allows us to transform deposits through regular terraforming. And the game also tells us that EVERY planet has minerals deep inside them. Just blow up a planet with a Collossus equiped with a Planet Cracker and you will see for yourself. This mod simply allows you to expend the unreasonable amount of resources required to dig towards the resource-rich core of the planet by blasting your way through the planet’s strata.

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