Infestation Mod

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Author: UntrustedLife

Last revision: 20 Nov, 2018 at 02:06 UTC (1)

File size: 27.65 KB

On Steam Workshop


You ever wanted to play as the Flood Infestation in stellaris? Or to play as a race of horrific parasitic brain worms? Or just play as a parasite maybe? I know I have
Now you can.

This Mod Adds Many things

New Hive Mind Civic "Parasitic Infestation"

New Government "Parasitic Infestation" gained by having the Parasite trait

Which basiclaly allows you to play as something akin to an organic driven assimilators empire

You get to customize a "Host Species" alongside your main species
the host species gains a trait called "Infested With Parasite" which disables happiness (Like the hive minded trait) and lowers their reproduction rates and leader lifespan, however, it also gives them massive amounts of bonus habitability, and makes armies made form them much more powerful.

You gain an "Infest" total war casus beli, and can still participate in diplomacy, and pops on planets you take over are quickly infested and gain the "infested with parasite" trait.
The civic adds many other things aswell.

You gain decent amounts of science in all fields and unity when a pop is infested. ( Because you are absorbing their knowledge )

New Trait "Infested with Parasite" explained above

New AI personality "Opportunistic Infestors" which is the personality of all Parasitic Infestation Empires, and has a whole slew of unique dialogue.

Unique generated names for Parasitic Infestation Empires

I tried to avoid as much as possible changing any vanilla files, so this should be compatible with most other mods. If it doesnt work properly with another mod let me know.

If you like this mod, check out my many other mods, such as my Immersive Empire Names Mod, my various music mods (Especially flavorful with this mod is my plague inc soundtrack mod, and my flood ambience mod) Or my Alternative Hivemind Namelists mod.

I plan to keep updating this mod to add many new variations of "Infestors", disease based empires, and civics, and i also plan to give parasitic infestations unique traditions so stay tuned.

If you really like this, consider supporting me on patreon!


11/19/2018 Infestations now get special war names generated for them, fixed some bugs.

7/22/2018 Infested species can now be set to limited millitary service if you choose.
Also fixed bug where species would sometimes get "hive minded" instead of "infested with parasite" when assimilating.


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.