Diverse Namelists

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Author: nalathequeen2186

Last revision: 16 Mar, 2019 at 20:48 UTC (3)

File size: 166.91 KB

On Steam Workshop


Bored of vanilla namelists? Wish they were a little more interesting and varied? Tired of namelists containing such beautiful names as "Blarg" and "Schleminator"? Then have I got the mod for you!

Personally, I know I never seem to have enough namelists to suit my needs no matter how many mods I download that add more, so i thought I’d make some of my own, with the help of a wonderful online conlang generator called Vulgar! [www.vulgarlang.com] The program generates entirely unique-sounding languages and words, which I’ve used to create sets of varied and, well, diverse namelists that really feel like they might be the dominant languages of alien species. No more made-up nonsense words like "Urgl-Durgl" or "Glegmus" (seriously, Fungoid 4 is the WORST vanilla namelist) – every namelist is interesting, internally consistent, and contains literally thousands more names to choose from than any vanilla list!

Since I own the full version of Vulgar, I plan to update this mod regularly (for real this time – sorry initial subscribers, hehe) with new namelists. So far, there are nine new ones available, as well as the original six (now called "Legacy" lists) that are generally inferior to the newly generated ones, but which will be kept in the mod anyway for those who enjoyed them previously.

Compatibility: As all this mod does is add new namelists, it should theoretically be compatible with everything (though not with achievements, sorry). If you encounter any problems at all, especially concerning things like missing symbols, out of place words or names, etc. please let me know! Feedback is always appreciated!

To-do list:
Namelists for each ethos
Namelists for specific AI personality types
Namelists specific to certain gameplay-altering civics
Namelists corresponding to certain popular civic, ethos, etc. mods, if people are interested

DISCLAIMER: none of these namelists have been vetted for swears, insults, or inappropriate letter combinations, which means that you may very well one day suddenly encounter a leader named something very shocking indeed. I chose not to delete swears or words from real languages from my lists, on the basis that to an alien, in their mother tongue, that particular combination of letters and sounds may not mean anything offensive at all, and because to this day one of the best Stellaris experiences I’ve ever had was meeting the leader of an alien nation whose name was "High King C*m the First."


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.