Rescaled Tactical Combat

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Author: HungryEye

Last revision: 1 Jun at 18:50 UTC

File size: 796.25 KB

On Steam Workshop


Stand-alone combat module from combat tweaks and custom edits. Combat is smaller scale and slower paced, starbases are significantly more powerful, and each fight has a lot more riding on the line, as a single capital ship takes several years to build and multiple years of your country’s industrial output. Mixed fleets are a lot more important to take objectives, ships will try to maintain unit cohesion, and battles generally feel a lot more tactical. Artillery takes on more of a siege roll, as starbases can be death traps if you get too close, but smaller weapons have higher fire rates leading to higher total dps, and larger weapons will have a harder time hitting anything. The fleet power Calculation has also been reduced by a factor of 20 in order to keep the AI from being suicidal with their war declarations and starbase assaults.

Big ships make big targets, and lots of ships make a lot of targets. Force Disparity plays a much larger role in fights, so if you can get away with using less ships for a specific task, you probably should. The deciding factor of fights will often come down to who can best balance kill potential with survivability in as little naval capacity as possible. How well exactly the AI handles this is… well, not great. But still playable and their fleets so far tend to balance out into better compositions throughout the mid-game due to the less than optimal fleets dying off. I may end up giving them some alloy production bonuses in the future to compensate for the increased upkeep they so willingly take on and to compensate for their lost ships, but I’m currently refraining from doing so until I have a better idea of what exactly is actually needed.

– Reworked ship behaviors and targeting weights to make a little more sense and behave a little more tactically.
– Extra behaviors for ships now unlock by tech level.
– Reduced naval capacity and command limit.
– Reduced fleet power calculation scale to 0.15, from 0.25.
– Reduced military power exponent from 0.65 to 0.49
– Increased diplo weight from fleet power to 0.25, from 0.025.
– Reworked utility effects and prices.
– moved Dragon Armor to T7.
– moved Dark Matter Armor to T6. (Requires Expanded Megastructures and Technologies.)
– Various ship buffs.
– Changed fire rates to scale with slot size.
– Changed accuracy to scale with tech level.
– Reduced accuracy.
– Instant damage weapons deal 3x min damage and 2x max damage.
– Increased tracking for most weapons.
– Explosive weapons deal 5x damage.
– Flight speed, tracking, and evasion on explosive weapons now scale with tech level.
– New ship sections.
– Increased costs for ship sections.
– Added a base cost to standard ship classes equal to the cost of one additional section.
– Adjusted base cost for offspring ship classes to equal the cost of two ship sections.
– Increased upkeep for ships.
– Increased build times for ships.
– Increased bombardment damage.
– raised evasion cap to 95%, from 90%.
– Reduced turn rate for standard ship classes.
– Increased evasion for standard ship classes.
– Increased chance to disengage for standard ship classes.
– increased auxiliary slots for some ships.
– Emergency FTL cooldown set to 45 days, from 30.
– Force disparity base lowered to 10, from 20.
– Force disparity max effect raised to 10, from 5.
– Adjusted ai weights to focus more on larger ship classes as the game progresses.
– Reduced hull and armor regen values from components in order to cut back on the number of stalemates.

– Requires Real Space, System Scale, and Ships in Scaling(Hard or Lite).
– Built in support for Expanded mod collection by Tovius.
– Built in support for More Events Mod .
Compatibility patch available for Guilli’s Ship components . (OUT OF DATE. I’m currently thinking about just turning this into a submod that includes everything from GSC, since that mod seems to be abandoned with expressed permission for people to use it by the author.)
Compatibility patch available for Starnet AI .
– Not Ironman/Achievement compatible.