Communist Galaxy (English Translation)

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Author: Psycholess's

Last revision: 25 Feb, 2023 at 01:46 UTC

File size: 498.69 KB

On Steam Workshop


共产星际(communist galaxy)- English Translation

This mod contains ONLY the localization files, it’s necessary download the original mod to experience all the features.
Also this was an auto translation, if you see any phrases that don’t make sense feel free to comment and i will fix it.
And you may see some phrases in odd grammar punctuation like that "Bombarding?$Planet$ with,….", this is due some disorganized code on my part. But will not break the game.

If the mod do not work after putting it in you modlist, go to the files section on X:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappsworkshopcontent2819902938478685 and copy the localisation file and then paste it on the original mod.
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2023/02/24 – Beta 1 – Initial upload, still testing all situations, but i consider it playable if you ignore or choose a different name group than the offered by the original mod.

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Original Mod Introduction!

The earth is the cradle of human beings, but human beings cannot live in the cradle forever. — Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

This mod is an overly rough mod made by the author who is not satisfied with the national character of the original version having the voice of workers but sharing weal and woe. It is also a mod that promotes communism.

Global Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1848, the publication of the "Communist Manifesto" in London, England brought tremendous changes to the entire human society.

In 1917, the gunfire of the October Revolution in Aurora turned socialism from an ideal into a reality. In 1992, as the Soviet Union’s offensive became more and more fierce, on December 30, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Soviet Union, the United States of America announced its disintegration, and the Soviet Union won the Cold War.

Entering the 21st century, the Soviet Union began a century-long internal purge, completely eradicating internal corrupt elements and capitalist roaders.

In 2150, socialist countries around the world announced the establishment of the Global Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and began large-scale exploration of deep space.

In 2200, the appearance of mankind’s first super-light spaceship brought mankind to the vast sea of stars.

This mod has the following features
1. An exclusive proletarian dictatorship system
2. Exclusive Global Union of Soviet Socialist Republics origin
3. Special buildings exclusive to the dictatorship of the proletariat
4. The ascension route of the dictatorship of the proletariat
5. Exclusive socialist country federation type: Communist Interstellar
6. A large number of new events
7. Turning to a mid-term crisis: vanguard corruption
8. Exclusive small megastructure

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共产星际(communist galaxy)Steam Workshop