Pinterest Portraits

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Author: Maniac

Last revision: 6 Jan, 2023 at 01:23 UTC

File size: 240.21 MB

On Steam Workshop


This mod is a collection of 251 static human leader portraits. It contains both post-apocalyptic and more standard sci fi portraits. Which ones are used depends on the civics and species traits of your empire.

I did not add separate species graphics. Rather you should simply select the human portrait set during empire creation. These are the rules for which portraits are used:

First off, the United Nations and Commonwealth of Man still only use the vanilla portraits.

To see the post-apocalyptic portraits, you should have one of the following civics, origins or traits: Post-Apocalyptic, Tomb World Preference, Barbaric Despoilers, Criminal Heritage, Scavengers, or Broken Shackles (from the Potent Rebellions mod). If you have neither of these civics, the hi tech portraits will be used instead.

There is also a small number of portraits wearing cloaks or monk-like clothing, several being Jedi from the Star Wars universe. These are added to the portrait pool if you are either spiritualist, psionic, or have a dry climate preference.

Additionally, some portraits are restricted to certain leader roles (governor, scientist, admiral/general), to further ensure a portrait doesn’t seem out of place.

I still have many other portraits left to add. I guess browsing Pinterest gets addictive after a while. Of course each portrait takes some time to make the background transparent. When an update with more portraits is published, this will likely result in your existing leaders changing to a different portrait. So I’ll try not to release an update every five minutes. 😉

For Stellaris version 3.6+