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Author: Ajey

Last revision: 28 Jul, 2019 at 19:31 UTC

File size: 1.02 KB

On Steam Workshop


Compatible with 2.3.*
Save game compatible
NOT Achievement compatible

About this mod

This mod is mainly meant to be used by Aesthetic Cinematic Graphics (=ACG) and ACG Content Expansion mod users. But it can also be used by anybody else who likes those changes.

My main goal was improve some aspects of stellaris in a smooth, immersive and balanced way.

So what did i rework?

1. War exhaustion

I did not like the vanilla war exhaustion system. The penalties felt unrealistic and i often felt like: i am winning this war but just because i am loosing some troops on a planet or some ships here and there i am actually loosing?

Also by using ACG generally more ships get destroyed (enemy fleet + player fleet). Since those ship losses affect war exhaustion too, i simply had to take a look at war exhaustion and reworked it for ACG and tried to improve it generally.

As a result war exhaustion will still be part of the game but wars will last longer and it’s way more unlikely that you loose a war just because of war exhaustion if you are winning it everywhere else.

Note (for NON-ACG users): This mod is primarily optimized for ACG. So without ACG wars that get finished due to war exhaustion will last even longer because less ships getting destroyed during space battles.

2. Starbases

In vanilla i often felt like i want to build a starbase but damn.. i was not allowed to build it because my starbase capacity was too low.. So i reworked the calculation for starbases. Basically with this mod you will start with slightly higher starbase capacity than vanilla and you will also be able to build more starbases the more you expand.

Therefore you will be better able to defend your borders properly with building starbases and defense stations and you will also have enough capacity to build starbases somewhere else.

BUT you will still have to think about where to build a starbase because i did not increase the count too much (i tried to keep balance) and AI will also be affected by those adjustments => they will also be able to build more starbases.

3. Fleets and Naval Capacity

The individual fleet and naval capacity felt odd to me in vanilla. You start with a low possible amount of ships you can build without getting penalties and it only increases with certain technologies/jobs/starbase buildings. Also the maximum number of ships i was allowed to build in late game was a cap i did not want to play with. Overall that did not feel immersive and it did not make fun.

Hence i reworked the Fleet and Naval system. You will still start with the same fleet capacity like in vanilla but you will get more fleet capacity with more population (i chose pops instead of systems because i think it’s more immersive and also more balanced and fun for players who play tall instead of wide). I also increased the cap for the late game i.e. how many ships you can build.

Overall the numbers should feel way more immersive because there won’t be only numbers like 50/75/100 but rather a gradual increase in naval capacity 20=>21=>22 etc. due to the added pop factor.

Changed Individual fleet size, naval capacity and starbase capacity

– increased maximum cap of individual fleet size
– increased maximum cap of naval capacity
– increased naval capacity per each pop (vanilla = 0, this mod = 0.1 per pop => f.e. 170 pops = 17 additional fleet capacity, 1500 pops = 150 additional fleet capacity)
– increased starting value of starbase capacity (vanilla = 3, this mod = 5)
– increased maximum cap of starbase capacity
– increased starbase capacity per each system (vanilla = 0.10, this mod = 0.12)

Reworked War Exhaustion (optimized for Aesthetic Cinematic Graphics)

– decreased war exhaustion per ship killed (vanilla = 2.0, this mod = 0.5)
– decreased war exhaustion per army killed (vanilla = 0.25, this mod = 0.1)
– decreased passive war exhaustion i.e. war exhaustion you just get after some time (vanilla = 0.10, this mod = 0.075)
– decreased war exhaustion per planet destroyed (vanilla = 5.0, this mod = 2.0)

Last time i checked (5 July 2019) this mod is perfectly compatible with Glavius AI or Starnet AI, since those mods don’t touch my adjustments. Hence there won’t be any overlapping with those mods as well.

In addition: this is a light weight mod. Compatible with every other mod that doesn’t touch those values in common/defines. I added my own file in common/defines, so the worst thing that can happen is, that some other mod is overwriting my changes or this mod overwrites some other mod’s changes. But there should not be any significant issues if you use this mod with basically every other mod on the workshop – or at least i did not see any mod yet that could cause issues.

Nonetheless: if you find any bugs or have any suggestions for improvement please let me know.


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